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DLCC 310-311 [clear filter]
Thursday, July 4

3:00pm EDT

Queer Fiction
Thursday July 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
DLCC 310-311
Friday, July 5

1:00pm EDT

Novel Writing
Dive into the art of storytelling with Kyell Gold! Join him as he discusses crafting compelling characters, building immersive worlds, and navigating the challenges of novel writing. Whether you're an aspiring writer seeking guidance or a book lover hungry for behind-the-scenes insights, this panel promises an enlightening and inspiring exploration of the written word.

avatar for Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold has won twelve Ursa Major awards and a Coyotl Award for his stories and novels, and his acclaimed novel Out of Position co-won the Rainbow Award for Best Gay Novel of 2009. He helped create RAWR, the first residential furry writing workshop, and has instructed at each of... Read More →
avatar for Kit Silver

Kit Silver

Publicist, 24 Carat Words

Friday July 5, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

2:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

NightEyes DaySpring Reading
A Reading from NightEyes DaySpring, author of Scars of the Golden Dancer

Friday July 5, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

4:00pm EDT

"Who Are You?" - Characters
Engaging characters are a key to driving a good plot and story and getting the reader invested. Here we'll discuss how to evolve your characters with backstory (whether it truly goes in your story or merely informs their actions), how to ask the right questions for personality traits, and, or course, how to make them truly furry.

Friday July 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

5:00pm EDT

"Say It Out Loud" - Dialogue
Companion to character (and setting as well), the right dialogue keeps your story moving and can showcase your characters' inner workings as well as facts about their world without the need for long info dumps. This panel will give advice and answer questions about how to craft this kind of dialogue and the best ways to make it work for your story.

avatar for Rob MacWolf

Rob MacWolf

Rob MacWolf, Werewolf Hitchhiker, is a writer, and host of The Voice of Dog podcast. He lives somewhere in North America, waiting for the world to end. You can find his work in anthologies from the Furry Historical Fiction Society and in two upcoming novels from Fenris publishing... Read More →

Friday July 5, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

6:00pm EDT

Joaquin Baldwin Reading
The Disney artist and now queer furry epic fantasy author (wha?) will be reading a sample of his debut novel, Wolf of Withervale (Book 1 of the Noss Saga), and revealing some cool art and spoiler-free details of Book 2 and beyond. Join him as he showcases his process not just for writing and worldbuilding, but also for illustration, mapmaking, conlang creation, and whatever the heck he gets into next.

avatar for JoaquĂ­n Baldwin

JoaquĂ­n Baldwin

JoaquĂ­n Baldwin writes epic fantasy with a queer touch. As a multidisciplinary artist, he’s been recognized for his work in cinematography, photography, 3D design, and illustration, and his animated shorts have won over 100 awards. He unadvisedly decided that writing novels was... Read More →

Friday July 5, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

7:00pm EDT

"What Are You Doing?" - Description and Scene
When you have settings, characters, and dialogue, it's time to put all that into the action of your story. How you describe each scene is just as important as having an engaging plot and characters. Come to talk about word choice, rhythms, and knowing when to follow grammar rules completely or when to break them entirely for the sake of the story.

avatar for Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold has won twelve Ursa Major awards and a Coyotl Award for his stories and novels, and his acclaimed novel Out of Position co-won the Rainbow Award for Best Gay Novel of 2009. He helped create RAWR, the first residential furry writing workshop, and has instructed at each of... Read More →

Friday July 5, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

8:00pm EDT

In the modern world, there are so many ways to get your work out there. Whether it's serving a niche market, or simply choosing to go it yourself and reap more of the exact rewards, self-publishing through various sites and markets can be the right choice for many authors. We'll discuss how to get started, where to put your work, and the extra bag of tricks you'll need for self-publishing success.

avatar for Jeff Eddy

Jeff Eddy

Founder, Sofawolf Press, Inc.
avatar for JoaquĂ­n Baldwin

JoaquĂ­n Baldwin

JoaquĂ­n Baldwin writes epic fantasy with a queer touch. As a multidisciplinary artist, he’s been recognized for his work in cinematography, photography, 3D design, and illustration, and his animated shorts have won over 100 awards. He unadvisedly decided that writing novels was... Read More →

Friday July 5, 2024 8:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

9:00pm EDT

Make Ianus Read It!
Time for some turkey readings, all to benefit Anthrocon's chosen charity. Ianus J. Wolf will be doing live readings of selections from some pulpy, cheesy, and/or bad sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, and for every bit you drop in the bowl for charity, you can force him to replace words, change character traits, do silly voices, or anything else to make the story "better". Viewer Discretion Advised.


Friday July 5, 2024 9:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

10:00pm EDT

After Dark: Adult Writing - General (18+)
Our annual open discussion about writing adult and erotic content. This panel will cover the basics and some of the intricacies of adult writing such as word choice, pacing, and where the adult material fits in your larger work. We'll also look at making your adult work enticing to the reader and just how enticing it should be based on the purpose of your story. Must be over 18, or over the legal age in country of citizenship. Badges will be checked at the door.

Friday July 5, 2024 10:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

11:30pm EDT

Adult Writing - Kink (18+)
Writing adult fiction is not always as simple as the standard expectations. In our community, there are plenty of strange desires that can be encountered. Discovering the secrets of such kinks in writing can be rewarding artistically and financially and downright fun, but there are always challenges. Join us for an open discussion of the odder side of adult writing. Must be over 18, or over the legal age in country of citizenship. IDs and badges will be checked at the door.

Friday July 5, 2024 11:30pm - Saturday July 6, 2024 1:00am EDT
DLCC 310-311
Saturday, July 6

10:00am EDT

Furry Writing Groups
Writing groups can do many things for your productivity. As a way of having a circle for beta reading and critiques, having others to chat (or complain) with about the craft, and holding each other to goals, it's hard to beat having local or online collections of fellow authors. Come talk about how to find and put together a writing group that is beneficial to everyone involved.

Saturday July 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
DLCC 310-311

11:00am EDT

Spotlight Kyell Gold: Live Reading and Q & A
Join Tim Susman (aka Kyell Gold) as he discusses his current and upcoming projects, including the upcoming gay romance/heist novella Squeak Thief, and Dead Right, the much anticipated sequel to the urban fantasy novel Unfinished Business.

avatar for Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold

Kyell Gold has won twelve Ursa Major awards and a Coyotl Award for his stories and novels, and his acclaimed novel Out of Position co-won the Rainbow Award for Best Gay Novel of 2009. He helped create RAWR, the first residential furry writing workshop, and has instructed at each of... Read More →

Saturday July 6, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

3:00pm EDT

"Cut That Out!" - Editing
After combining all the base elements into a full draft (and hopefully getting a night's sleep on it), it's time to work on the rough edges, general improvements, and possible plot holes of your story. There are numerous techniques and schedules that writers can use for editing and we'll discuss what they are and how to find the one that works for you.

Saturday July 6, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

4:00pm EDT

Tech and Formatting
Once, all you needed to write was parchment, quill, and imagination. These days a lot more is necessary for the world of publishing, online formatting, and putting your best paw forward. Come for our yearly talk about the proper ways to use word processing software to make your editors (and self-publishing sites) happy and get updates on the latest technological advances for your writing.

Saturday July 6, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

5:30pm EDT

Good Critiquing and Reviewing
"Everybody's a critic." These days, that's never been more true. And it's best to make your critiques and reviews of others' work effective and honest so that they are truly useful to all parties instead of posting a simple love fest or hatchet job. Come learn and discuss how to offer a truly good review whether you're leaving a simple comment, offering feedback on a friend's work, or writing a full review for a large website.

Saturday July 6, 2024 5:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

6:30pm EDT

Fur Libs: A Mad Story Game
Our yearly raucous writing game returns. Come help us fill in the blanks in a few custom pieces from talented furry authors to create a whole new bit of craziness. You too can turn original furry works into joyous insanity by shouting out suggestions to fill in the blanks and then hearing a dramatic reading of the results. The more suggestions we have, the more fun it'll be.

Saturday July 6, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

8:00pm EDT

Traditional Publishing
There are numerous options to get your work out there in a small press or other professional publication. This panel will specifically speak to how to submit your work to others for publication. You'll hear about the ins and outs of working with editors and publishers, as well has have a chance to ask process questions from representatives of the major furry publishers.

avatar for Jeff Eddy

Jeff Eddy

Founder, Sofawolf Press, Inc.

Saturday July 6, 2024 8:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

9:00pm EDT

Let's (Not) Talk About Sex, Baby!
Sex is a part of life, and thus, winds up being a part of fiction. But how do you address it when it's not the focus of the story? How do you cover those times when characters' relationships will logically head that way and it is important to them, but you're not trying to titilate the reader? In short, how do you talk about sex without talking about sex? Join us for a discussion on challenges, tips, and tricks for handling this topic in your stories of just about any genre.

avatar for Rob MacWolf

Rob MacWolf

Rob MacWolf, Werewolf Hitchhiker, is a writer, and host of The Voice of Dog podcast. He lives somewhere in North America, waiting for the world to end. You can find his work in anthologies from the Furry Historical Fiction Society and in two upcoming novels from Fenris publishing... Read More →

Saturday July 6, 2024 9:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

10:00pm EDT

Dark and Difficult Topics
Saturday July 6, 2024 10:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
DLCC 310-311
Sunday, July 7

11:00am EDT

Novel Writing 102
Sunday July 7, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

12:00pm EDT

Historical Fiction
Sunday July 7, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

1:30pm EDT

Science Fiction
Sunday July 7, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
DLCC 310-311

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