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Uncle Kage

Anthrocon Inc.
RTP region, North Carolina

Contact Me

Known as "Uncle Kage" to his fans, Dr. Samuel Conway is not only a research scientist, but also an experienced raconteur who has performed on stage all around the country and even in such far-flung places as Germany, Australia, England and the Czech Republic. He has been called by some an unofficial spokesperson for the Furry fandom since he has dedicated a good deal of time and energy to dispelling the myths and misconceptions surrounding the world of anthropomorphics. In what spare time he can find he likes to write and has published a number of stories in small-press titles, although he did break into the Big World in 1999 when his story "Tweaked in the Head" was included in "Flights of Fantasy," an anthology of bird-related SF tales assembled by Mercedes Lackey. He has since published stories in Ms. Lackey’s 2012 "Elemental Magic" and 2013 “Elementary” anthologies, and in Fred Patten’s “The Furry Future” and “Gods with Fur.” His favorite convention activity is meeting with friends in the bar, and if you're inclined to ask, he has a preference for semi-dry Rieslings (Germany's Mosel Valley or Washington's Columbia Valley, neither older than 3 years), although if you are able to provide him with sake (especially sake that has not been in the bottle longer than 6 months) he will be your friend forever, and will probably follow you home

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, July 5

7:00pm EDT

Sunday, July 7

12:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT