Attending this event?

avatar for Star Childebrite

Star Childebrite

Contact Me

Hi, I’m Star, and this is my Sched page. I’m a kid-to-teen cub, not so little, but plenty of time to grow! I love all things 80s & 90s aesthetic. Dayglo and neon make my eyes happy. Junk candy jewelry makes the perfect accessory. Layered shirts, leg warmers, scrunchies - gimme all!

IRL I'm FtM, in my 30s, and an artist. I've been in the furry fandom since 2001ish, and been attending AnthroCon since 2007.

For those attending the "Young at Heart" (**an 18+, adults-only**) panel:
  • First and foremost, any and all rules of AnthroCon itself are to be followed. 

The material of the panel itself is PG-13ish with some cheeky adult humor towards the end of the panel. 
  • You are free to leave and there will be a head's up before this portion of the panel begins.
  • This content is free of explicit sex, but does contains sexual innuendo humor in the form of parody children's books.

**Any** material that is an R-rating or above is not allowed at the panel. We do not indulge in it at the panel. We do not discuss it at the panel.
This is your first and only warning about this (other than the start of the panel itself).
  • People who try to engage with this sort of material during the panel will be told to leave.
  • This applies to anything with explicit and/or gratuitous violence and sex.

There is a strict zero-tolerance policy towards any sort of recording device at the "Young at Heart" panel.
This is your first and only warning about this (other than at the start of the panel itself).
  • If a device on your person can take photos, videos, audio, and / or any combination thereof, it is to be turned off (or put on silent) and put away for the duration of the panel - including the line before the panel, and the exit after the panel. In other words, we don't want cameras anywhere near the panel and our guests.
  • Those with obvious camera(s) on their person will be (have been) refused entry; they are welcome to return and attend without said camera(s).
  • **For legal and safety reasons, we cannot store your camera(s) behind the panelists / on the stage / on the platform. Please responsibly store your camera elsewhere outside the designated panel space.**
  • Any person seen acting suspiciously with a camera and / or other device capable of recording during the panel will be told to leave for the remainder of the panel.
    (Ie: Don't prop up / hold up a device in such a way that makes others think it's possibly recording, not even to show it off.)
  • Emergency calls / messages / texts, are to be answered outside of the room; you are welcome to return when done.
  • Exception 1: Necessary devices such as nonverbal communication devices and phones linked to blood sugar monitors are allowed, of course!
  • Exception 2: Handheld gaming consoles which have microphones and cameras, such as the Nintendo 3DS, must have those areas obscured. Otherwise, we will ask those devices to be turned off and put away. Failure to do so will result in the individual(s) being told to leave for the remainder of the panel.

Food and drink cannot be shared. 
  • You are allowed to have snacks and drinks for yourself.
  • Please consume your personal snacks responsibly, without purposely making a mess.
  • Beverages and snacks of an adult nature (eg: alcohol) are not allowed.

Sharing of non-food goodies is encouraged! 
  • Feel free to bring non-food goodies for trade and share. (Including but not limited to: Stickers. Costume jewelry. Collectable cards. Small toys. Crayons. Coloring books). 
  • Be sure to bring hand-sanitizer and / or sanitizing wipes to keep things clean and germ-free!

Respect the people and area around you.
  • Listen to the comfort of those around you, and respect consent. No means "no."
  • You are responsible for cleanup in the area(s) you occupy during the panel. The panel will end 15 minutes before the cutoff time to allow for this cleanup.
  • If somebody left behind a mess near you, please be courteous and help clean that up if you can, or ask one of the hosts to help.
  • Purposeful, mean-spirited disruption of the panel will not be tolerated. Individuals who do this will be told to leave for the remainder of the panel.
  • We know we're here to let go and "be kids again," but please use your "Big" brain when resolving minor disagreements.

If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed / having a medical emergency,
  • Please let one of the hosts and / or a member of security know immediately. We will take action to ensure you get the best care possible, as soon as possible.
  • This includes if somebody is making you feel uncomfortable; if you told the person in question to stop, and they're persisting, we will resolve the situation.

This is a rough draft of the rules, and they may change between now and the panel.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, July 5

8:00pm EDT